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itel Opens its Doors in Belize City



After 2 years of remote operations and less than one year since construction began, itel has now officially opened its Belize City location. The 40,000 square foot facility will eventually house over 700 call center agents plus support staff signaling a huge investment in the Central American country.

This expansion is part of itel’s strategic growth into untapped markets that are ripe for innovation and offer competitive advantages that support customer experience (CX) delivery for emerging high potential industries. Despite an ongoing economic downturn that has affected many CX providers globally, itel has remained resilient and steadfast in its commitment to diversifying its nearshore operations to attract North American brands.

Belize has a relatively young outsourcing industry that has experienced tremendous growth of over 80% since 2005. It’s considered a great value destination due to its high workforce availability, skilled labor pool, a low attrition rate of 10% and the government’s competitive investment program aimed at diversifying the country’s economic activity beyond tourism. Belize City is the country’s hub for its outsourcing industry and itel’s facility is located at the commercial center with easy access for team members to travel in and out of the city from the surrounding areas.

“We’re seeing strong interest from clients who are recognizing Belize as a great alternative to some of the saturated markets, both in the region and offshore, where it’s getting harder and more expensive to recruit and retain talent,” stated Yoni Epstein, CD, itel’s founding Chairman and CEO. “We dipped our toe into the market in 2022 through a partnership and work-at-home model, but we decided to go all in in 2023 and we are opening our doors with a committed base of clients and a pipeline eager to discover what Belize has to offer.”

Belize is the only Central American country with English as its official language.
UNESCO ranked the country 13 th globally for investment in education in 2021 and its bilingual talent pool has a strong affinity to North American culture. For these reasons, as well as its proximity to the US, Belize offers competitive advantages that clients can leverage to provide tailor-made customer experiences and lower their CX delivery costs by staying closer to home.

“We’ve been impressed with the welcome itel has received in the country so far and look forward to continuing to partner with the Government of Belize, local vendors and other stakeholders as we bring clients in to explore its infrastructure and culture. It’s time to invest in Belize outsourcing and as the Caribbean’s largest homegrown CX partner, we’re ready to lead the way,” expressed Epstein.

Businessuite News24

Corporate Movements – September 2024



Spur Tree Spices Jamaica Limited (Spur Tree Spices) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Kareem Tomlinson, as a Non-Executive Director with effect from September 15, 2024. Spur Tree Spices also wishes to advise that Mr. Kareem Tomlinson has been appointed to serve as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee as from September 19, 2024.

Wigton Windfarm Limited trading as Wigton Energy (“WIG”) has advised that it has appointed Mr. Norman Naar as WIG’s Chief Commercial Officer effective September 16, 2024. This new appointment comes in the wake of the changes that were made to the leadership and organizational chart in August 2023 and specifically related to the job position of Business Development and Innovation Manager, which job title has been changed to that of Chief Commercial Officer.

iCreate Limited, formally announces the appointment of Dr. Nick Rowles-Davies to the Board of Directors of iCreate Limited, effective September 9, 2024. Dr. Rowles-Davies will also assume the roles of Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee and Chairman of the Investment Committee. His appointment is a critical part of our planned transition from iCreate Limited to Kintyre Holdings (JA) Limited, as we build a world-class diversified investment holding company.

iCreate Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Rochelle Burnett as Chief Operating Officer (COO), effective immediately. Rochelle Burnett brings over a decade of experience in the digital and creative industries, with a strong background in operations and project management. Her career has included leadership roles at Tiny Robot Solutions, Muse 360 Integrated Limited, and Toucan Limited, where she managed major projects for leading brands such as Guinness, Heineken, GraceKennedy, and Grupo Campari.

Medical Disposables & Supplies Limited (MDS) is pleased to announce that, effective August 13, 2024, Mrs. Sheree Martin was appointed as a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company’s Board of Directors. Mrs. Martin has also been appointed as a member of the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Compensation and Human Resources Committee. MDS also wishes to advise that Mr. Christopher Williams has been appointed as Mentor to the Board of Directors, with an effective date of August 13, 2024.

Mr. Ian McNaughton, has joined Fosrich Company Limited’s executive team as Chief Operating Officer, reporting to the Managing Director, overseeing the daily operations of the stores located throughout the island among other responsibilities. Mr. McNaughton holds a Masters in Business Administration and a BSc. in Management Studies. Prior to joining Fosrich Company” Limited, he held senor positions in several. Private sector organizations.

LASCO Distributors Limited (LASD) has advised that Mrs. Hortense Edwards, a Senior Manager resigned from the Company, effective September 13, 2024.

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Businessuite News24

The Digital Business Roadmap for Jamaican MSMEs: A Critical Path to Digital Transformation



Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in the economic landscape of many countries, including Jamaica. As the global economy continues to evolve, driven by rapid technological advancements, it is important for MSMEs to embrace digital transformation to remain competitive and sustainable. This blog explores the concept of digital business, the importance of digital transformation for MSMEs in Jamaica, and provides a roadmap for achieving this critical transition.

Defining MSMEs in the Jamaican Context
In Jamaica, MSMEs are defined based on their number of employees, annual turnover, and total assets. According to the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce (MIIC), micro enterprises have fewer than 5 employees and an annual turnover or total assets not exceeding JMD 10 million. Small enterprises employ between 5 and 20 people with an annual turnover or total assets between JMD 10 million and JMD 50 million. Medium enterprises employ between 21 and 50 people and have an annual turnover or total assets between JMD 50 million and JMD 150 million.

Understanding Digital Business
Digital business involves leveraging digital technologies to create new value in business models, customer experiences, and the internal capabilities that support core operations. The theoretical framework behind digital business is rooted in the integration of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and cloud computing to enhance business processes, improve efficiency, and drive innovation.

Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation
To understand the journey towards a digital business, it is important to distinguish between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation:

This is the process of converting analog information into digital formats. Digitization in many ways is the first phase of any effort to digitally transform your business. However, it comes with its own set of challenges, especially for MSMEs in emerging markets like Jamaica. The two primary costs MSMEs will have to account for are technology investment and user training. The cost of acquiring the necessary technology (e.g., scanners, computers, and software) to digitize records can be difficult for small businesses, who mostly operate on tight budgets and may find it challenging to allocate funds for such investments. User training often involves upskilling the employees of the to use new digital tools and processes effectively. This training requires both time and money, which can strain the resources of small businesses. These challenges can hinder progress and make the initial steps towards digital transformation more complex and resource-intensive.

If you are able to successfully digitize your business, this increases the likelihood of the next phase of this journey, digitalization. This refers to the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities. This involves using digital technologies to change business models and create new value-adding opportunities.

One of the primary challenges with digitalization lies in integration complexities. Many small businesses operate with legacy systems that are not easily compatible with modern digital tools and platforms. Integrating these new digital systems with existing ones can be technically complex and expensive, often requiring specialized IT expertise. Additionally, data stored in different formats or locations can create silos, which make it difficult to establish a unified and streamlined digital workflow. Addressing these silos often necessitates substantial restructuring of existing processes, adding further complexity to the digitalization journey.

Another significant challenge is change management. Employees and management might resist new digital processes, particularly if they are comfortable with the traditional ways of doing things. This resistance can slow down the adoption of digital tools and diminish the effectiveness of digitalization efforts. Moreover, moving from analog to digital processes often requires a cultural shift within the organization. Encouraging a digital-first mindset among employees can be difficult, especially in organizations where traditional methods are deeply ingrained.

The skills gap also poses a considerable challenge during digitalization. This activity typically demands a higher level of technical expertise than digitization. Employees may need to acquire new skills to effectively use digital tools, analyze data, and manage digital workflows. However, finding or developing these specialized skills can be a significant hurdle for many MSMEs, particularly in regions where access to advanced training and education is limited.

Digital Transformation
This is a comprehensive, strategic approach that leverages digital technologies to fundamentally change how an organization operates and delivers value to its customers. Achieving digital transformation in a business requires a holistic approach that involves integrating technology, people, processes, and culture. To successfully achieve digital transformation, a business must start by developing a clear vision and strategy. This involves defining what digital transformation means for the organization and setting measurable goals that align with overall business objectives, such as improving customer experience, boosting operational efficiency, or expanding into new markets. Creating a detailed roadmap with specific timelines, milestones, and resources is essential for guiding the transformation process.

Fostering a digital-first culture is equally important. Leadership must drive the initiative, committing to the transformation and promoting a digital mindset across the organization. Engaging employees early in the process through training and development opportunities is crucial to help them adapt to new tools and encourage a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Investing in the right technology is another critical step. Businesses should choose scalable solutions, such as cloud-based platforms, data analytics tools, and automation technologies that can grow with the company and streamline operations. It’s essential to select technologies that integrate well with existing systems to ensure a smooth transition. Optimizing processes is also key to successful digital transformation. Before implementing new technologies, businesses should assess their current processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. Automating repetitive tasks can save time, reduce errors, and allow employees to focus on more strategic activities.

Collaboration is vital in this journey. Digital transformation often requires cross-departmental collaboration to identify challenges and develop solutions. Encouraging teams to work together ensures that digital initiatives are aligned with business needs. Additionally, forming external partnerships with technology providers, consultants, and other businesses can accelerate the transformation process by providing access to new technologies and expertise.

Ensuring data security and compliance is critical as the business becomes more digital. Investing in robust cybersecurity measures protects data and systems from threats, while compliance with relevant regulations, such as data protection and privacy standards, is necessary, especially when handling sensitive customer information. Monitoring and adapting the transformation process is essential for success. Businesses should continuously track their progress using data and analytics to measure performance against goals. Being flexible and ready to adjust strategies based on feedback, new developments, and changing market conditions is vital for ongoing improvement.

Leveraging government and private sector support can also provide significant advantages. Many governments offer grants, tax incentives, or other support for businesses undergoing digital transformation. Collaborating with industry associations and private sector partners can offer valuable resources, training, and networking opportunities, helping businesses stay informed about the latest trends and best practices. Engaging customers in the transformation process is another important step. As new digital tools are implemented, businesses must ensure that customers understand how to use them by providing clear instructions, tutorials, and support. Regularly collecting customer feedback allows businesses to continuously improve their digital services, ensuring they meet customer needs.

Finally, planning for continuous improvement is crucial. Digital transformation is not a one-time project but an ongoing process. Regularly reviewing and adjusting the digital strategy helps businesses stay competitive and responsive to changes in the market. Staying informed about the latest trends in technology and digital business enables companies to anticipate changes and opportunities, ensuring they remain agile and innovative in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The Need for Digital Transformation in Jamaica
Jamaica’s Vision 2030 aims to make the country the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business. Achieving this vision requires a robust digital economy where MSMEs can thrive. Digital transformation is essential for MSMEs to improve efficiency, expand market reach, and enhance customer experiences. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2019 by the World Economic Forum, Jamaica ranks 80th out of 141 countries in ICT adoption, highlighting the need for significant improvements in digital infrastructure and capabilities.

The Way Forward for MSMEs
Crafting a digital business roadmap requires careful planning and a thoughtful approach to several key factors. First, it’s essential to understand and address the evolving needs and preferences of customers in the digital age. Ensuring that digital initiatives can scale as the business grows is also critical, allowing for adaptability and responsiveness to market demands. Sustainability should be a central focus, with continuous updates and optimization of digital technologies to support long-term success. Collaboration is another crucial element, as leveraging partnerships and alliances can significantly enhance digital capabilities.

In conclusion, the digital business roadmap for MSMEs represents a vital strategy for achieving sustainable growth and competitiveness in today’s economy. By embracing digital transformation, MSMEs in Jamaica can unlock new opportunities, improve efficiency, and deliver enhanced customer experiences, ultimately contributing to the broader goals of Vision 2030.
© Germaine A. Bryan, 2024

Germaine Bryan is a business developer and startup coach supporting startups and MSMEs. Germaine is a skilled tactician in strategic business planning and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs build their capacity to operate at scale. Germaine is the Managing Principal of Gerbry Business Ltd. For enquires. please email:

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Businessuite News24

Jamaica Successfully Concludes 18-Month IMF Programme



Jamaica has successfully completed the 18-month International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme under the Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) and Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF).

Economic Programme Oversight Committee (EPOC) Chairman, Keith Duncan, said the IMF Executive Board concluded the third and final reviews on August 30.

“The PLL continues to be treated as precautionary and the completion of the reviews allow for an immediate disbursement of US$980 million under the PLL and US$258 million under the RSF, which was drawn on by the BOJ (Bank of Jamaica) on September 4, 2024,” Mr. Duncan explained.

He was addressing Friday’s (September 13) EPOC Quarterly Press Briefing, which was held virtually.

Mr. Duncan said that all structural benchmarks were achieved and the BOJ exceeded the indicative target for net international reserves.

“A target that was narrowly missed due to a smaller-than-expected surplus at March 31, 2024, had a negligible impact on the debt consolidation plan,” he noted.

Meanwhile, Mr. Duncan said the Fiscal Commission is to commence operation in the calendar year 2025.

The Commission, which will be the guardian and interpreter of Jamaica’s fiscal rules, will monitor compliance with these, report on outcomes and keep the public informed by providing independent analysis on fiscal policy developments.

In March 2023, Courtney Williams was sworn in as Jamaica’s first Fiscal Commissioner.

By: Judith A. Hunter, JIS

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Businessuite News24

Bank Of Jamaica Consulting Stakeholders on Practice Period for Twin Peaks Model of Financial Regulation



The Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) is holding consultations with key stakeholders on the Twin Peaks Model of Financial Regulation and Supervision as part of the implementation of a practice period, prior to the passage of supporting legislation.

These talks are being held with several groups, including the Insurance Association of Jamaica (IAJ), Jamaica Bankers Association (JBA), Jamaica Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) and Pension Industry Association of Jamaica (PIAJ).

This was disclosed by BOJ Governor and Financial Services Commission (FSC) Chairman, Richard Byles, during the inaugural IAJ business conference at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston on Wednesday (September 11).

Mr. Byles, who delivered the keynote address during the opening ceremony, said while the Twin Peaks legislation is not expected to be enacted before 2026, it is imperative that elements of the new system be instituted prior to its passage.

These elements include improved standards relating to market conduct and consumer protection, similar to the recently introduced guidelines for the operation of automated banking machines (ABMs) by deposit-taking institutions, including commercial banks.

“Twin Peaks is really an effort to reorganise who supervises what… and what will happen is that the Bank of Jamaica will be responsible for all institutions in the financial sector, from a prudential point of view; that means balance sheets, profit and loss, that aspect of the operation of institutions in the financial network. The Financial Services Commission will be responsible for all [of the] financial sector from the point of view of market conduct and customer protection,” Mr. Byles stated.

“So, the Bank of Jamaica will have a 360-degree view of all of the financial network, prudentially, and the FSC will have a 360-degree view of all the financial network from a market conduct and customer protection point of view,” he added.

Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) Governor, Richard Byles, shares pleasantries with (from left) Insurance Association of Jamaica (IAJ) President, Sharon Donaldson, and Vice President, Rosemarie Henry, during the IAJ’s inaugural business conference at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on Wednesday (September 11).

Mr. Byles said the discussions will also enable stakeholders from the various groups to raise any concerns they may have about the new regulatory model.

“It is a way for them to see what we want and for us to know what is possible, and what may be a bit too far at this point in time,” the Governor further stated.

Under the Twin Peaks Model, which was announced in 2023 by Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, BOJ will assume full responsibility for prudential supervision of all bank and non-bank financial institutions from the FSC.

The Commission will be transformed into a new regulatory entity that supervises these institutions from the perspective of market conduct and protection of consumers of financial services.

By: Chris Patterson, JIS

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Business Events

Jamaica Stock Exchange Regional Conference “Guyana’s Capital Markets: Wealth Creation and Retention”.



This conference will be held on October 8 – 9, 2024, at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre, Seawall Road, Kingston – Georgetown, Guyana.

Guyana’s Conference will be centred on the theme, “Guyana’s Capital Markets: Wealth Creation and Retention”. The President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali is expected to open the Conference. He will be joined by visiting government dignitaries from Jamaica, other Caribbean Regions, and the rest of the Diaspora.

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