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Jamaican Gov’t Provides Incentives to Boost JAM-DEX Use



In the upcoming fiscal year, the Government will introduce two new incentive programmes to encourage greater take-up of the Central Bank Digital Currency, JAM-DEX.

They are the Small/Micro Merchant Incentive Programme and the Wallet-holder Individual Loyalty Programme.

Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, provided details while opening the 2023/24 Budget Debate in the House of Representatives on March 7.

JAM-DEX provides a safe, efficient, and convenient way to pay for goods and services. Currently, the National Commercial Bank offers JAM-DEX through LYNK®, which is its digital wallet.

For the Small Merchant JAM-DEX Incentive Programme, Dr. Clarke explained the first 10,000 merchants onboarded as of April 1, 2023 will receive $25,000 of JAM-DEX upon registration and onboarding.

These are small merchants, who operate in industries such as restaurants, gas stations, and personal-care services.

To qualify as a merchant, the following documents will be required: Business Registration Certificate and Certificate of Incorporation; proof of bank account anywhere, including a Low Know Your Customer account; and Valid Tax Compliance Certificate or evidence of application, if expired.

Merchants who are on-boarded will also receive a ‘JAM-DEX Accepted Here’ sticker for display at their locations.

Meanwhile, for the Wallet Holder – Individuals Loyalty Programme, users of JAM-DEX will receive loyalty points that can be redeemed for select purposes, including receiving cash back.

Dr. Clarke said effective April 1, 2023, consumers with JAM-DEX wallets, existing and new, will receive two per cent on total purchases for goods and services in JAM-DEX, up to a maximum spend of $5,000.

The loyalty funds earned will be applied to the user’s wallet at the end of each month.

Dr. Clarke said the incentives are applicable only for financial year 2023/24 and encouraged individuals and small businesses to sign up for the initiatives.

Furthermore, he said the Low Know Your Customer (KYC) initiative will be extended for a further year.

Through the programme, the first 60,000 customers who sign up for a Low KYC account at any commercial bank after April 1, 2023, will receive a grant from the Government of $2,500 into that account.

A total of 100,000 customers are being targeted under the incentive, which was launched last year. As at end of February 2023, only 36,000 customers under the initiative.

The Bank of Jamaica implemented the phased national roll-out of JAM-DEX in 2022, with the objective of facilitating greater financial inclusion and support Jamaica’s transformation into a digital economy.

As of February 18, 2023, the total number of JAM-DEX customers onboarded by Lynk was 190,000, comprising 185,410 individuals, 90 small merchants, and 4,500 micro merchants.

The total JAM-DEX transaction activity for 2022 was valued at $357 million.

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Artificial Intelligence

AMK Communications Pioneers AI-Generated Advertising Campaign for InterMetroONE



In a landmark move set to redefine the advertising landscape, AMK Communications, through its subsidiary Click Digital Agency, is poised to launch Jamaica’s first AI-generated advertising campaign for the revolutionary InterMetroONE super app. This ground-breaking initiative not only marks a significant milestone for Jamaica but also positions AMK Communications as a leader in innovative marketing strategies within the Caribbean region.

A New Era of Advertising

The introduction of AI-generated advertising heralds a new era of creativity and efficiency in marketing. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, AMK Communications can produce highly targeted, data-driven campaigns that resonate deeply with diverse audiences. This technology enables the creation of personalized content at scale, ensuring that every message is relevant and engaging.

Unparalleled Benefits for Clients

For clients, the benefits of AI-generated advertising are manifold:

Enhanced Creativity: AI tools can analyse vast amounts of data to generate unique, creative concepts that might not emerge through traditional brainstorming sessions. This opens up new avenues for storytelling and brand expression.

Data-Driven Insights: AI provides valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences, allowing for more precise targeting and message customization. This ensures that marketing efforts are not only creative but also strategically aligned with audience interests.

Efficiency and Scalability: AI can rapidly produce multiple variations of ads, testing and refining them in real-time to optimize performance. This reduces the time and cost associated with traditional ad creation and allows for quick adjustments based on market feedback.

Personalization at Scale: With AI, it’s possible to create highly personalized advertisements for large audiences, ensuring that each viewer receives a message that feels uniquely tailored to them. This enhances engagement and drives better results.

Setting Trends in the Caribbean

AMK Communications’ initiative is part of a broader trend towards the adoption of AI in advertising. Globally, AI is being used to create more dynamic, interactive, and personalized ad experiences. From chatbots and virtual assistants to AI-driven video content, the possibilities are endless. This move by AMK places Jamaica and the Caribbean at the forefront of these international developments, showcasing the region’s ability to innovate and lead in the digital age.

Looking Ahead

The AI-generated campaign for InterMetroONE will serve as a benchmark for future marketing efforts, demonstrating the power and potential of artificial intelligence in advertising. As AI continues to evolve, it will unlock even more opportunities for creativity and efficiency, helping brands to connect with their audiences in deeper, more meaningful ways.

AMK Communications Limited and Click Digital Agency are not just launching a campaign; they are setting a new standard for the industry, proving that the future of advertising is here and it is powered by AI. Clients can look forward to a new realm of possibilities, where technology and creativity come together to deliver exceptional results.

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Businessuite Markets

Kevin Gordon Led Simply Secure Limited Acquires 49.1% Stake in tTech Limited



Edward “Teddy” Alexander

The Directors of tTech Limited announced that two (2) major shareholders, Edward “Teddy” Alexander and G. Christopher Reckord, have sold 52,012,834 tTech shares, representing 49.1% of tTech Limited’s issued shares. The acquiring entity, Simply Secure Limited, is owned by Kevin Gordon and Rob Mayo-Smith. Messrs. Gordon and Mayo-Smith are also the owners of Simply Secure LLC, a Managed Security Services Provider based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

tTech Limited is a leading IT services provider offering a wide range of services to help businesses manage their IT infrastructure efficiently and securely. Our mission is to deliver exceptional IT services and solutions that empower businesses to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Simply Secure LLC is a Managed Security Services Provider based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The company specializes in providing comprehensive security solutions to protect businesses from cyber threats and ensure the safety and integrity of their IT environments.

In light of the fact that the acquisition is beyond the 20% threshold of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of the company, tTech has duly notified the Jamaica Stock Exchange and the Financial Services Commission pursuant to the applicable JSE Junior Market Rules (Appendix 2) and the applicable Regulations promulgated under the Securities Act that relate to Takeovers and Mergers.

Simply Secure has indicated that upon the acquisition of 50% or more of tTech’s shares, it will extend an offer to all remaining tTech shareholders to purchase their shares. This intended offer to the remaining shareholders will be contingent on the completion of additional due diligence, finalization of the terms of the offer, review by the tTech board and approval by the regulators. Simply Secure and tTech have committed to adhering to the Securities TOM Regulations and the JSE Rules.

The Directors of tTech anticipate that the synergies between tTech and Simply Secure will enhance the services provided by tTech, particularly in the area of Cybersecurity.

There will be some changes at the director and management levels. However, Edward Alexander, who continues as the Board Chair, stated, “I am confident that Simply Secure’s involvement will bring new resources and expertise to tTech Limited. Their focus on Managed Security Services aligns perfectly with our strategic goals.”

 “Under this new arrangement, Simply Secure and tTech are committed to leveraging greater resources to meet the growing demand for Managed Security Services. The primary focus will remain the delivery of exceptional value to our customers and optimal growth opportunities for our employees.” Kevin Gordon, CEO of Simply Secure LLC


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Business Insights

Broadcast Radio Is Not Dead For Jamaican And Caribbean Radio Stations If……



The headline in last weeks business gleaner read “The Bridge Radio Station Up For Sale”.

The opening paragraph of the article told the story, “After débuting on air with much fanfare nearly three years ago, radio station The Bridge 99 FM is facing an uncertain future and is now up for sale. Two investors in The Bridge, one of the newest FM radio stations in a crowded and dwindling market, have confirmed that they are seeking buyers for the station.”

Target Market

The Bridge, the brainchild of New York-based Jamaican Robert ‘Bobby’ Clarke who heads the Irie Jam Media Group, which operated Irie Jam Radio in the Tri-State area for more than two decades, came on air in August 2021 aiming, as its name suggested, to connect Jamaicans abroad, mainly in the United States, and those at home, through a unified platform.

On-air Talent

The upstart station was able to attract a slate of well-known names to its airwaves, including disk jocks Richard ‘Ritchie B’ Burgess, Kurt Riley and Nikki Z, veteran recording artiste Tony Rebel, retired politicians Ronald Thwaites and Pearnel Charles Sr, and controversial talk show host Dr Kingsley ‘Ragashanti’ Stewart.

But The Bridge failed to attract a significant audience, with more persons turning away from traditional media sources like radio to social media for information and entertainment.

The Question that we have to ask is very clear. Is Broadcast Radio Dead!

In the article Zachary Harding, founding partner of Delta Capital Partners Jamaica, and an investor in The Bridge was asked about the future of FM radio: “There can be money in FM radio, as it is still a popular means of entertainment and getting information. Radio is not dead. However, advertisers now have more options in terms of marketing spend and there has definitely been a tremendous shift towards social media and away from traditional media. This trend will always impact smaller players in the market negatively. However, with the right strategy, you can integrate social media into your strategy to command more loyal listener base and differentiate the station, while providing greater points of distribution. This is exactly what we are doing at CaribStar Media”.

Broadcast radio is not dead, but it does face significant challenges in the current media landscape.

Here’s a comprehensive look at trends and potential directions for making broadcast radio viable in Jamaica and the Caribbean:

Convergence with Digital Platforms: One major trend is the integration of broadcasting with digital and social media platforms. Radio stations are increasingly using live streaming services like YouTube, Facebook Live, and Twitch to reach audiences seeking real-time and interactive content​​.

Local Focus and Community Engagement: Despite the shift towards digital, local advertising remains a strong point for radio. Industries such as retail, real estate, automotive, financial services, and healthcare continue to invest in local radio ads due to its strong community presence and trust factor​. Radio can leverage this by focusing on hyper-local content and community engagement, which digital platforms may not provide as effectively.

Political Advertising: Political campaigns are a significant revenue source, especially in local markets. With political spending on the rise, particularly in swing states, radio stations can capitalize on this by offering targeted advertising solutions​.

Shorter, More Engaging Ads: Long ad breaks can drive listeners away, especially when compared to the ad-skipping options available on streaming services. To combat this, radio can focus on shorter, more engaging ads, including authentic endorsements from popular hosts, which tend to resonate more with listeners​​.

Technological Advancements: The deployment of 5G networks will revolutionize content delivery, allowing for seamless streaming and improved connectivity. This can enable more interactive and immersive experiences for radio listeners, potentially attracting a larger audience​.

Diverse Revenue Streams: Beyond traditional ads, radio stations can explore additional revenue streams such as sponsored content, events, and partnerships with local businesses. This diversification can help mitigate the risks associated with declining ad revenues​.

Content Personalization and On-Demand Options: Emulating successful aspects of streaming services, radio stations can offer personalized content and on-demand listening options through podcasts and digital archives. This approach caters to the growing demand for content that fits individual schedules and preferences​​.

For Jamaican and Caribbean radio stations, adopting these strategies could help create a more sustainable business model in a rapidly evolving media environment. Emphasizing local content, leveraging digital convergence, and exploring new revenue streams are key steps towards maintaining relevance and profitability.


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Business Insights

RedPlate Group Limited: Corporate Profile



About RedPlate Group

RedPlate Group Limited is a distinguished Caribbean-based investment holding company, specializing in equity investments across various sectors. Our diversified portfolio includes stakes in both established businesses and promising start-ups, with a focus on:

  • Business-to-Business (B2B)
  • Technology
  • Data-Driven Solutions
  • Integrated Fulfillment Logistics
  • Transportation Solutions
  • E-commerce
  • Mobile Payments

Our Companies

RedPlate Group encompasses a range of dynamic companies, each contributing to our overarching mission:

  • InterMetro Transit Jamaica
  • RedPlate Logistics and Fulfilment Group
  • RedPlate MarketPlace
  • RedPlate Technologies Jamaica Limited
  • RedPlate Financial Group

Innovative Business Model

RedPlate Group’s pioneering business model is poised to revolutionize the transportation and logistics sectors in Jamaica and the broader Caribbean. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we address current inefficiencies, enhancing productivity and profitability across the value chain. Our holistic, horizontal integration of business units fosters seamless collaboration, creating a robust, technology-driven ecosystem.

Market Opportunity

Jamaica’s transportation and logistics landscape is currently fragmented and inefficient, posing significant challenges for businesses and commuters alike. RedPlate Group aims to resolve these issues by developing a cohesive and interconnected platform. This platform optimizes operations, maximizes resource utilization, and delivers an unparalleled experience for both corporate clients and end consumers.

Strategic Vision

RedPlate Group’s strategic vision is centered around building synergistic relationships and fostering a collaborative environment. Our approach not only fortifies the value chain but also enhances productivity and increases income for all stakeholders. By addressing the fundamental challenges within Jamaica’s transportation and logistics sector, we are paving the way for a more efficient and profitable future.


RedPlate Group Limited invites high net worth investors to join us in transforming the Caribbean’s transportation and logistics industry. Our innovative, technology-driven approach and commitment to excellence position us as a leader in the sector, offering substantial growth and investment opportunities. Together, we can achieve remarkable advancements and drive significant value for our stakeholders.

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Artificial Intelligence

InterMetroONE Superapp – Revolutionizing Jamaica’s Transportation Landscape



InterMetro Transit Jamaica, a distinguished member of the RedPlate Group, is proud to announce the upcoming launch of the InterMetroONE SuperApp—a ground breaking initiative set to redefine the transportation and service delivery experience in Jamaica.

At the core of our mission is a steadfast commitment to providing every Jamaican with access to a modern, tech-driven public transportation service that is safe, comfortable, cost-effective, efficient, and reliable. The InterMetro SuperApp embodies this commitment by bringing together all our current apps and features into one comprehensive gateway—InterMetro.


Unveiling the InterMetro SuperApp: A Gateway to Convenience

The InterMetro SuperApp serves as a one-stop destination for a myriad of transportation and service-related needs, consolidating various offerings under a single platform. From InterMetro Bus Services to RedPlate Taxi rides, airport transfers, and non food and grocery business and personal courier services—the SuperApp seamlessly integrates these services for enhanced accessibility and convenience.

Moreover, InterMetro SuperApp introduces RedPlate +, an exclusive membership program offering members the privileged InterMetro and RedPlate experience across all our rides and delivery services. Members can enjoy a host of benefits, including exclusive offers, discounts, and personalized service enhancements.

Expanding Horizons: Future Enhancements

As we continue to evolve, the InterMetro SuperApp will expand its offerings to encompass a broader spectrum of services aimed at further enriching the lives of Jamaicans. Future additions to the SuperApp will include bill payments, remittances, money transfer services, phone credit topping, and same-day loan services—empowering users with unparalleled convenience and accessibility.

Empowering Jamaicans with Technology

The launch of the InterMetro SuperApp underscores our unwavering commitment to leveraging technology to empower Jamaicans and enhance their everyday lives. By consolidating diverse services into a single, user-friendly platform, we aim to revolutionize the transportation and service delivery landscape, making essential services more accessible, efficient, and convenient for all.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey, driven by our conviction that every Jamaican deserves access to a modern, tech-driven public transportation service that prioritizes safety, comfort, affordability, efficiency, and reliability. With the InterMetro SuperApp, the future of transportation and service delivery in Jamaica is within reach.

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