RedBk recently erected the above back lit super board advertisement in the middle of Half Way Tree, Kingston. The company also has a video commercial playing on the massive video board to the right.
RedBk Jamaica Limited, publishers of the soon to be released 2012-2013 RedBk Telephone directories, started in November 2011 with a media tour with the clear objective of informing and educating prospective advertisers, companies and members of the public about this new venture and what it has to offer. Businessuite Magazine (BM) got an update from company President and CEO Carol Pryce (CP) on how the company has done since launch and what are their plans going forward.
BM: What has been the reception to RedBk?
CP: As indicated we started in November 2011 with a clear communication objective of informing, educating and advising key market segments and the general public about our startup company, the product and service offering and essentially, what we were setting out to do. From all indications RedBk has been well received. We laid a solid foundation for our 2012-2013 canvass and we are very pleased with the results so far.
Jamaicans are known to be very skeptical to new product offerings, what was the reaction to RedBk?
We were well aware of this, so our focus was on education, creating awareness of the opportunity for our prospective customers to increase their customers and by extension, business revenue and profitability, through advertising in RedBk phone directory. So RedBk has been very client-centric over this period and we are very pleased with the positive response to our offer. Thousands of Jamaican residents and businesses of all sizes across the island have placed advertisements and phone listings in the inaugural edition, which, coinciding with Jamaica 50, will be a keepsake publication.
What was the most challenging part of your first six months?

President and CEO Carol Pryce (CP)
Much of the last five to six months has been spent explaining the canvassing process, collection, verification and ensuring the accuracy of the data. Importantly educating and informing the market, especially the new entrants, on the benefits of directory advertising, was an integral part of the process.
You have entered a market that was dominated by a player that operated like a
monopoly, what was the reaction?
RedBk’s introduction has further demonstrated the positive effects of competition in bringing value to the marketplace. Competitor customers have benefited from RedBk’s presence with lower prices and more attractive offerings from the incumbent. RedBk entered the market with a mandate to grow and expand the market, by targeting mobile (business) users, in particular, new to directory advertising.
The Jamaican economy is desperately in need of stimulation and new business, what has been RedBk’s economic impact?
RedBk also stimulated growth in the economy, through the direct creation of new jobs, increased spending in the support industries, and generally in the economy, glaringly so in the area of advertising expenditure.
You are now at the end of the 2012-2013 Canvass, what happens now?
Publication dates are still on track for end of Q3, 2012. This was always our position. As a matter of fact we can now report that plans are very advanced to close the current canvass and very importantly begin preparations for the printing of the five regional directories. We are very excited to report that the “Beta” or test version of our website www.redbk360.com and online directory has only recently been released and there is much more to come.
Thank you.
You’re welcome