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GSS Companies Are Connectivity-Based Enterprises.



“GSS (global services sector) companies provide content and services through value chains and networks that depend on ICT (information and communications technology) infrastructure, and the pandemic has accelerated growth in the adoption of the Internet of things in 2022, it is clearer than ever that the future is digital. Digital infrastructure is imperative to the development of the economy in Jamaica, more so since the COVID-19 pandemic, where many processes and services have shifted to remote delivery, using computers and the Internet.”
Gloria Henry, president of the GSAJ.

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Businessuite News24

Jamaica Is Pursuing The Strategy Of Mix Development Modalities



“Tourism is a wealth creation and economic enrichment activity driven by the consumption and production patterns of people!”

“The strategy for destination exploitation of tourism is a composite of many modalities including business models and investment opportunities and not to be viewed through a myopic lenses.

Small highly service dependent economies such as ours must rely heavily on consumption to sustain economic growth, and expansion and Tourism has become the most effective way of achieving this as the propensity to CONSUME of the Tourist is 3-5 times that of the local! It means therefore that the expansion of the local market by increasing tourist arrivals creating a ‘critical mass’ is essential.

The proliferation of boutique hotels is not the answer when physical resources are limited. The strategy of Mix development modalities as Jamaica is pursuing, with mega hotels, boutique and sharing accommodation i.e. Airbnb etc is the most effective way forward.

The essential element of the strategy though is the production/Supply side of the wealth development equation! Jamaica’s focus must be on providing the goods and services that the Tourists demand to satisfy their consumption patterns! THATS WHERE THE REAL WEALTH OF TOURISM RESIDES! Agriculture, manufacturing, Creative Industries, Energy, Construction etc Then SERVICES; medical, financial, legal, entertainment, Restaurants, Shopping, transportation etc.

Please team let’s take a deeper dive in the confluence of economic moving parts that constitutes Tourism and recognize its elongated and expensive value chain so we can truly embrace the wealth it brings!”

Edmund Bartlett – Minister of Tourism Jamaica

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Business Insights

Why Caribbean Startups should embrace eCommerce



In recent years, the Caribbean region has witnessed a burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit, with startups emerging across various industries. However, despite this growth, many startups in the Caribbean have yet to fully tap into the potential of eCommerce. In today’s digital age, eCommerce presents an invaluable opportunity for Caribbean startups to expand their reach, enhance competitiveness, and thrive in the global marketplace.

In this article, we will delve into why all Caribbean startups should embrace eCommerce, explore the potential for a thriving eCommerce sector in the region, and outline a step-by-step guide for startups to integrate eCommerce into their business models.

eCommerce, which is short for electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including online retailing, electronic payments, digital marketing, and supply chain management. Essentially, eCommerce leverages digital technologies to facilitate transactions between businesses and consumers, breaking down geographical barriers and expanding market access.

Interestingly, the COVID-19 pandemic played a very crucial role in validating the ecommerce business model in our reason. A 2021 study by Retail Systems also found that 78% of people shopped more online during the pandemic. This trend is likely to continue for years to come.

The Caribbean region boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and economic activities. Despite facing challenges such as limited access to technology, logistical constraints, and fragmented markets, the Caribbean presents immense opportunities for eCommerce growth. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has highlighted the potential for eCommerce to drive economic development and foster entrepreneurship in the region.

One notable player in the Caribbean eCommerce landscape is First Atlantic Commerce (FAC), a leading payment gateway provider. Headquartered in Bermuda and founded in 1998, First Atlantic Commerce (FAC) is a leading provider of secure and robust Internet payment solutions for merchants and acquiring banks in Central America and the Caribbean. Its solutions include multi-currency, real-time credit card and debit card processing, as well as online consumer authentication and other fraud management services.

FAC has been instrumental in creating an enabling environment for a regional eCommerce market by offering secure online payment solutions tailored to the needs of Caribbean businesses. Their efforts have helped facilitate cross-border transactions, mitigate fraud risks, and promote consumer trust in online shopping.

Now, let’s explore why Caribbean startups should prioritize eCommerce as part of their business strategy:

Expanded Market Reach. By establishing an online presence, Caribbean startups can transcend geographical limitations and reach customers beyond their local markets. This opens up opportunities to tap into regional and international markets, thereby increasing sales potential and revenue streams.

Enhanced Competitiveness. In today’s competitive landscape, embracing eCommerce allows Caribbean startups to stay ahead of the curve. By offering online purchasing options, streamlined checkout processes, and personalized customer experiences, startups can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract tech-savvy consumers.

Cost-Effectiveness. Compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores, eCommerce offers cost-effective solutions for startups. Setting up an online store entails lower overhead costs, reduced need for physical infrastructure, and more efficient inventory management, thereby maximizing profitability and scalability.

Data-Driven Insights. eCommerce platforms provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. By leveraging analytics tools, Caribbean startups can gather actionable data to optimize marketing strategies, tailor product offerings, and improve overall business performance.

Now that we’ve established the importance of eCommerce for Caribbean startups, let’s outline a step-by-step guide for integrating eCommerce into their business models:

Step 1: Conduct Market Research.

Start by conducting thorough market research to identify target audiences, assess demand for your products or services, and analyze competitors in the eCommerce space. Understanding market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive landscape will inform your eCommerce strategy.

Step 2: Choose the Right eCommerce Platform.

Selecting the right eCommerce platform is crucial for building a successful online store. Consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, scalability, security features, and integration capabilities. Popular eCommerce platforms in the Caribbean include Wipay, eZeepayments, Fygaro and GetPaid to name a few.

Step 3: Develop a User-Friendly Website.

Design a visually appealing and user-friendly website that showcases your brand identity, product offerings, and value proposition. Optimize the website for mobile responsiveness, fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and seamless checkout experiences to enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

Step 4: Secure Online Payments.

Partner with a reputable payment gateway provider like First Atlantic Commerce to facilitate secure online transactions. Implement robust security measures such as SSL encryption, PCI compliance, and fraud prevention tools to safeguard customer data and build trust in your eCommerce platform.

Step 5: Create Compelling Content and Marketing Strategies

Generate engaging content, including product descriptions, images, videos, and blog posts, to attract and retain customers. Develop comprehensive marketing strategies encompassing SEO, social media marketing, email campaigns, influencer partnerships, and paid advertising to drive traffic to your online store and generate sales.

Step 6: Optimize for Search Engines

Optimize your eCommerce website for search engines to improve visibility and organic traffic. Conduct keyword research, optimize metadata, create SEO-friendly URLs, and build quality backlinks to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract qualified leads.

Step 7: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Deliver exceptional customer service by offering responsive support channels, clear communication, and hassle-free returns and exchanges. Prioritize customer satisfaction and loyalty to foster long-term relationships and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

eCommerce presents a compelling opportunity for Caribbean startups to accelerate growth, expand market reach, and thrive in the digital economy. By embracing eCommerce and following a strategic approach to implementation, startups can unlock new avenues for revenue generation, enhance competitiveness, and create lasting value for customers. With organizations like First Atlantic Commerce paving the way for a vibrant eCommerce ecosystem in the Caribbean, the future looks promising for startups willing to seize the opportunities presented by eCommerce.© Germaine A. Bryan, 2024


Germaine Bryan is an entrepreneur, advisor, lecturer and startup coach supporting startups and small, and medium-sized businesses in the Jamaican MSME sector. Germaine is a skilled tactician in strategic business planning and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs build their capacity to operate at scale. Germaine is the Principal Consultant of Gerbry Business Ltd. For enquires. please email





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Leadership Conversations

To Be Wise, You Must Be A Reader….Charlie Munger



How did Munger become the sage that he was? Being a voracious reader played a significant role. Munger viewed reading as necessary for developing wisdom: “In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time—none, zero. You’d be amazed at how much Warren reads—and how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out.”

Munger thought reading beyond just one discipline was necessary to become a world-wise person. He noted, “You must know the big ideas in the big disciplines and use them routinely — all of them, not just a few. Most people are trained in one model — economics, for example — and try to solve all problems in one way. You know the old saying: to the man with a hammer, the world looks like a nail. This is a dumb way of handling problems.” Source for

In Munger’s view, to be a great investor, you’d be better off reading 100 biographies than 100 books about how to invest. The key is to immerse yourself in ideas across disciplines to create your latticework of mental models. He admonished people to “Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day.”

Charlie Munger, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett’s business partner, died November 28 — less than a month short of his 100th birthday.

Source: John Jennings Forbes Contributor
I write about investments and issues that affect wealthy families.

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Leadership Conversations

Beware Of Making Decisions Based On Predictions of the Future…..Charlie Munger



Given Berkshire Hathaway’s great success, you’d think that Munger and Buffett had an uncanny ability to predict the future. The opposite is true: A pillar of their success is their ability to admit they cannot predict the future.

Munger has noted that he’s “never been able to predict accurately. I don’t make money predicting accurately. We just tend to get into good businesses and stay there.” Moreover, Munger didn’t place much stock in experts’ predictions either: “People have always had this craving to have someone tell them the future. Long ago, kings would hire people to read sheep guts. There’s always been a market for people who pretend to know the future. Listening to today’s forecasters is just as crazy as when the king hired the guy to look at the sheep guts. It happens over and over and over.” Source for quotes.

I think about Munger’s perspective whenever I’m tempted to click on some investment guru’s prediction about what the stock market will return or the path of interest rates. If Munger and Buffett, two of the greatest investors of all time, don’t think they can predict the future or listen to expert predictions, why should we behave any differently?

Charlie Munger, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett’s business partner, died November 28 — less than a month short of his 100th birthday.

Source: John Jennings Forbes Contributor
I write about investments and issues that affect wealthy families.

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Leadership Conversations

Know The Other Side’s Arguments……Charlie Munger



Munger cautioned against having an opinion unless you are fully educated on all sides of the issue, which is a specific application of the concept of inversion.

In 2007, Munger gave the commencement speech at the USC School of Law, and in his talk, he warned of “extremely intense ideology because it cabbages up one’s mind.” He told the attendees that whenever he “drifts toward preferring one ideology over another” he forces himself to consider the other side by telling himself, “I’m not entitled to have an opinion on this subject unless I can state the arguments against my position better than the people do who are supporting it. I think only when I reach that stage am I qualified to speak.”

The underlying concept is that it takes work to have an informed opinion, and ideological thinking is lazy thinking. Instead of looking for facts that support your ideological leanings, having a valid opinion involves the often painful task of researching facts that support the other side.

Charlie Munger, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffett’s business partner, died November 28 — less than a month short of his 100th birthday.

Source: John Jennings Forbes Contributor
I write about investments and issues that affect wealthy families.

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