Caribbean Assurance Brokers Limited (CAB) has now listed its ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange’s (JSE’s) Junior Market at the invitation price of JA$1.91, after...
Chief Executive Officer for the Jamaica Special Economic Zones Authority (JSEZA), Dr. Eric Deans, says the country’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are poised to benefit from...
Photo: JAMPRO President Diane Edwards (right) speaks to HE Juan José González Mijares, Mexican Ambassador to Jamaica, before the groundbreaking of the Sugarcane Bay Development project...
Tourism Minister, Edmund Bartlett, says farm tourism has become an important value-added component of the industry, and has a lot of potential for Jamaica. In a...
DeafCan, is set to become the first company to officially list on the Jamaica Social Stock Exchange (JSSE)., according to Jamaica Stock Exchange Group Managing Director,...
Film Commissioner at Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), Renée Robinson, says the local film industry contributed $2.5 billion to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) during the...
TransJamaican Highway Limited’s (TJH) initial public offering (IPO) could commence next month. “We are hoping sometime in early February or thereabouts,” said Prime Minister, the Most...
Wigton Windfarm Limited (WIG) has advised of the appointment of Earl Barrett as Managing Director of the Company effective January 20, 2020. NCB Financial Group Limited...
Women In Law Foundation is hosting its conference brunch at the UWI Regional Headquarters, Mona, Kingston on March 8, 2020. The theme of this year’s conference...
The GraceKennedy Group is announcing plans to further strengthen and expand its Financial Division through an offer by the holding company, GraceKennedy Financial Group Limited (GKFG),...