In recent years, several industrial conglomerates have opted to split into smaller, more focused entities. DuPont de Nemours is the latest in this line, following in...
Dr. Taneisha Ingleton is a prominent Jamaican leader currently serving as the Managing Director of the HEART/NSTA Trust. With a robust academic background, including a PhD,...
Nvidia, a name that resonates deeply in the tech industry, has once again made headlines with its stellar performance, driving the AI revolution forward. This development...
Senator the Honourable Dr. Dana Morris Dixon is a distinguished figure in both the public and private sectors of Jamaica, known for her significant contributions to...
GraceKennedy Limited (GK) has announced the resignation of Mrs. Patsy Latchman-Atterbury as Managing Director of GK Capital Management Limited and consequently from the Board of Directors...
OMNI Industries Limited is a thermoplastics manufacturing and distribution company based in Twickenham Park, St. Catherine and has been operational since 1975. OMNI manufactures, recycles, imports...
The National Insurance Fund (NIF) plans to increase its net assets through the prudent management of the investment portfolio mix. As stated by the Ministry of...
Wigton Windfarm Limited (“WIG” or the “Company”) has announced the following organisational changes and appointments effective May 6, 2024: The position of Chief Executive Officer will...
Photo: Derrick Scott Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Audrey Marks, shares a moment with (from left) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor, Emil Vermer;...
Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, has emphasised the importance of Jamaica’s Tourism Strategy and Action Plan (TSAP) in generating the stakeholder capacity to respond to the...