Dr Ike Johnson, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Sygnus Group has released the following Unaudited Results for the 3 Months Ended November 30, 2023 for Sygnus Real Estate Finance Limited.

Belmont Road 9-storey commercial tower
The Group continued to unlock value from its major real estate investment assets (“REIAs”) by achieving another set of key milestones namely: achieving practical completion for the J$3.70 billion Belmont Road 9-storey commercial tower in December 2023 and starting the process to monetize SRF’s partial investment exit; advancing SRF’s investment exit on the built-to-suit industrial warehouse facility on Spanish Town Road to 83% by harvesting J$388.68 million from sale proceeds during the quarter; and advancing the value creation process for two major strategic projects, namely Mammee Bay in St Ann and Lakespen in St Catherine.
SRF’s book value per share was J$23.48 for 3 Month FY 2024, up 3.4% versus J$22.71 the financial year prior.
The Group is expected to complete real estate projects in excess of J$5.3 billion in the current financial year. SRF has entered the final stages of its first investment life cycle, while simultaneously moving into its second investment life cycle, primarily focused on its two largest strategic investment assets.
The overlap of these two investment cycles is likely to result in an initial slowdown of investment deployment activity through the first part of this financial year, followed by a substantial increase in capital redeployment during the latter half of the financial year through to the 2025 financial year.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors on December 27, 2023, the Directors approved the issuance of payment-in-kind ordinary shares (“PIK shares”) at a price of J$18.25 to the Investment Manager valued at J$377.91 million and the issuance of subscription warrants valued at J$377.91 million to ordinary shareholders at a price of J$18.25 per J$ ordinary share and US$0.12 per US$ ordinary share.
The PIK shares represent a debt-for-equity conversion for J$377.91 million. The PIK shares and warrants are subject to final approval at SRF’s annual general meeting to be held on March 21, 2024.
For 3 Month FY 2024, total investment income or core revenues was negative J$30.96 million compared to J$21.33 million for the three months ended November 30, 2022 (“3 Month FY 2023). This was primarily driven by higher interest expense relative to the comparable period last year, as well as reduced interest income from a lower REIN balance after exiting high yielding REINs during the previous financial year.
As a result of the exits, the weighted average fair value yield on REINs was 8.9% compared with 11.2% last year. The weighted average cost of debt was 7.2% compared with 6.1% last year, reflecting higher market interest rates.
The share of gain on joint ventures, which captures SRF’s 70.0% ownership of the One Belmont development, amounted to a loss J$302.26 thousand for 3 Month FY 2024 compared to a gain of J$146.37 thousand last year. This loss was driven by audit fees and foreign exchange losses recorded during the period by Monadh Rois Holdings Limited.
SRF’s total investment income is comprised of all activities that are involved in the unlocking of value from its portfolio of real estate investment assets, namely: interest income, lease income and commitment fees related to REINs; gain or loss on property investments or on any real estate assets that were exited; and share of gain or loss on its joint venture investments.
Based on the nature of its business model, SRF’s earnings during interim reporting quarters may experience “lumpiness” in total investment income and net profits, which is typically normalized at the end of each financial year, as demonstrated at FYE Aug 2023 relative to the interim quarterly results.
The Group uses independent appraisers to value its investment property assets annually. All investment properties are USD investment assets which are converted to JMD for financial reporting purposes. SRF’s key strategic assets are held via wholly owned subsidiaries or joint ventures.
Net investment income or core earnings for 3 Month FY 2024 was negative J$114.89 million versus negative J$82.36 million last year.
The reduction was mainly attributable to the negative total investment income of J$30.96 million relative to positive total investment income of J$21.33 million last year.
For FYE August 2023, SRF generated J$312.58 million in net investment income.
Net loss attributable to shareholders for Q1 2024 amounted to J$132.98 million, representing an improvement of J$39.52 million versus a net loss of J$172.50 million last year.
Basic earnings per share (EPS) was negative J$0.41 for Q1 2024 relative to negative J$0.53 last year, while diluted EPS was negative J$0.38 for Q1 2024 compared to negative J$0.49 last year. Similarly, basic core earnings or net investment income per share (NIIPS) was negative J$0.35 for Q1 2024, compared with negative J$0.25 last year. At FYE Aug 2023, SRF’s return on average equity was 2.7% for the year with a 4-year average ROE since inception of 22.9%.
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