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Spur Tree Spices Projected Revenue Growth Negatively Impacted By Raw Material Shortages



Albert Bailey CEO of Spur Tree Spices Jamaica Limited has released the following report for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024, including the presentation of unaudited financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Performance Review

Revenue for the quarter moved from $383.6M to $394.5M, an increase of 2.8% over the same quarter for 2023. Projected revenue growth was negatively impacted by raw material shortages experienced in the Agro processing sector since the 2nd quarter of 2023. These shortages impacted the Company’s ability to fulfil customer orders during the quarter.

The Company sustained far higher raw material input costs this quarter, relative to the similar quarter of the previous year due to the impact of raw material shortages. Therefore, Cost of Sales for the quarter rose from $259.5M to $287.6M, an increase of 10.8%.

There are positive signs that raw material supplies are gradually returning to normal levels, and associated costs are also coming down. We expect to see a continued movement in this direction, and a full return to normal raw material prices in the coming months.

The rollout of a wide range of new products to market, that do not use these primary raw material inputs, is a part of the company’s strategic initiatives to reduce the risk and vulnerability associated with this area of our business. The Company’s venture into farming also aligns with our strategy to achieve greater raw material stability and therefore lessen any future negative impact on performance.

Gross Profit for the period was $106.9M, down from $124.2M for the same period in 2024. This represents a 13.9 % decline year over year for the same period. The fall in gross profit resulted from the increase in raw material input costs sustained during the period.

With the initiatives being implemented to reduce costs, and the general downward trend in the price of raw materials inputs, the Company anticipates a full recovery of gross profit margins in the coming quarters.

Administrative Expenses for the 1st quarter was 71.4M, up from $66.8M for the corresponding period in 2023. This is an increase of 6.9%, which is commendable given the current circumstances. This means, administrative expenses as a percentage of revenue ticked up slightly from 17.4 % of sales in the first quarter of 2023, to 18.09% for the similar quarter in 2024.

The company will continue to tightly monitor this area of expenditure while working to get our revenue and gross margin back to targeted levels.

Finance Costs for the 1st quarter were $9.5M, down from $10.4M in 2023. This represents an 8.2% reduction for the quarter.

Net Profit attributable to the owners of the company for the quarter was $31M, down from $47.8M for the same quarter in 2023. While net profit is down compared to the same quarter last year, the company’s profit has improved over the last quarter (4th quarter), in which similar raw material challenges were faced.

The performance for the quarter, while not at the level projected, was commendable given the many challenges faced.


The Company’s outlook remains very bright and positive. Spur Tree Spice is strategically positioned for substantial growth and expansion in 2024. The leadership has undertaken several important initiatives to ensure the continued success of the Company as we expand the reach and strength of the brand across all markets.

Some of the initiatives are:

  • Spur Tree Spices Farming Initiative: Raw Materials supplies sourced directly from the farm made a significant contribution to the Company’s ability to fulfil orders during the first quarter. There are currently 13 acres of Scotch Bonnet Pepper under cultivation and 12 acres of West Red Pepper. In addition, there are enough seedlings at our nursery to plant another 18 acres of Scotch Bonnet Pepper in the coming weeks. This will bring the total acreage of pepper under cultivation to 43, with an expected output of over 650,000 lbs. This level of output, supplemented by supplies from our farming partners, will guarantee adequate quantities of pepper for the remainder of 2024. The next phase of the plan is to put into production, other raw material inputs to supplement current supplies from our farming partners.
  • Launch of New Products: Spur Tree Spices has just launched 37 new SKUs across several product lines to include, Dry Seasonings, Fried Chicken Mix, BBQ Sauces, and a range of condiments including dips. Many of these formulations are first to market and based on market research and customer engagement, it is expected that these new items will gain significant traction in all current markets, locally and internationally. Along with these launches, the Company used the opportunity to refresh our brand’s aesthetic to reflect our creativity and to create a compelling brand identity that resonates with both local and global audiences.
  • Additional Upcoming Launches: The company is working to bring to market even more new products by July 2024. These are high demand/high usage items that should have a very positive impact on revenue and profit and generate strong brand response.
  • Improved Ackee Production: Capacity at both Ackee factories is being upgraded to drive production and output of ackee during the next crop which is expected to begin in June 2024. Both entities will be in a much-improved position to maximize its production of ackee moving forward.
  • Diversification of Linstead Market Brand: We are currently working on several new products to be launched under the Linstead Market brand. These items will be introduced to market by August 2024. This will be the first rollout of many items being considered to diversify the offerings under this brand.

We are confident that with these initiatives and others to come, the Company is well on its way to becoming an internationally recognized food brand known for creativity, quality and being ironically Jamaican. The Board of Directors and the Executive Management Team are committed to ensuring the Company remains on track to maximize shareholders’ value while building a strong, sustainable, and profitable brand.

Businessuite Markets

CAC 2000 Reporting A 41% Improvement In Net Income For Period Ending July 31, 2024.



Gia Abraham Chief Executive Officer for CAC 2000 has released the following Unaudited Third Quarter results for period ending July 31, 2024

The Results:
Year -to-date we saw an increase of 18% in Sales for the period ending July 31, 2024, over the same period last year ($752,812,566 vs. $637,763,300), along with a 41% or $28,980,191 improvement in our net income. We continue to contain our overall operating expenses by 1.8% or $4,416,661 over the same period last year.

Whilst we are still experiencing longer shipment times due to the movement of manufacturing to China, we have been able to realize a reduction in our inventory days from 398 days to 300 days, in our debtor days from 225 to 206 days, as well as a decrease in our creditor days from 108 days to 77 days over the same period last year.

Retail Update
We continue to utilize our retail store located at 3U Village Plaza to improve the delivery of product offerings and services to our customers, while building the Team in Montego Bay, which is becoming the hub for the projects we are presently executing on that side of the island. As a company we are encouraged by this positive trajectory.

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PBS Expects 2024 Revenue, EBITDA And Profitability To Closely Align With Full Year Budgetary Expectations.



Pedro M. París C. Director and Group CEO For Productive Business Solutions Limited Has Released The Following Unaudited Interim Report For Q1 2024

Q1 2024 Financial Performance Overview
In the first quarter of 2024, Productive Business Solutions (PBS) reported revenues of US$65.9 million, a decrease of US$21.6 million compared to the same period in 2023.

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) for the quarter was US$8.5 million, down from US$10.2 million in the first quarter of the previous year.

Additionally, our Profit After Tax (PAT) for the first quarter was US$0.4 million, as compared to US$1.7 million during the corresponding period in 2023.

Notably, our first quarter results in 2023 were impacted by a large transaction in which PBS provided laptops to the government in El Salvador. The transaction
produced a significant revenue contribution to PBS in that period but carried a lower than-average gross margin. As a result, PBS recorded higher gross profit in in Q1 2024 relative to Q1 2023 despite a reduction in revenue. PBS’ gross margin for the first quarter of 2024 improved to 35.5% from 26.5%, which is more representative of our business without the influence of any large, non-recurring sales.

Historically, the fourth quarter represents the strongest financial period for PBS, while the first quarter typically exhibits the lowest earnings. Our performance in Q1 2024 reflects this seasonal trend.

Strategic Acquisition Announcement
We are delighted to share a significant milestone in our company’s journey. During this quarter, we successfully initiated the strategic acquisition of Xerox operations in Ecuador and Peru and expect to close the transaction by the end of the second quarter of 2024. This acquisition is a testament to our commitment to expanding our market presence and enhancing our service offerings in the Latin American region.

The integration of Xerox operations in these key markets strengthens our capabilities in delivering expanded product/service and industry-leading solutions to a broader client base and offers a deeper Latin American footprint for our regional and global customers. We expect that this transaction will close in the coming months subject to regulatory approvals.

PBS expects to file its Audited Financial Statements for 2023 by June 30, 2024. The audit has been delayed as a result of accounting corrections which impact revenue, cost of goods sold, and contract assets primarily in periods before 2023.


Our company’s pipeline of sales opportunities for the remainder of the year is strong.
We expect PBS’ 2024 revenue, EBITDA and profitability to closely align with our full year budgetary expectations.

PBS connects the largest enterprise software companies in the world to the leading firms and governments in our region. Our business is increasingly diversified by country, customer and supplier. Moreover, our growth reflects the enduring longterm trends of digital transformation to meet the needs of businesses and consumers. As we look ahead, we expect PBS to continue its trajectory of profitable growth.

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Businessuite Markets

Main Event Entertainment Group Reporting 14% Drop In Nine Months Gross Profits



Solomon Sharpe,  Chief Executive Officer for Main Event Entertainment Group Limited is reporting that the company recorded revenues of $440.064 million for the three months ended 31 July 2024 relative to the $428.056 million earned in the same period in 2023. This represents an increase of $12.007 million or 3% over the corresponding period of 2023. Despite the improvement in our year-over-year third quarter performance, the company saw a decrease of 10% to $1,426.391 million in its revenues year-to-date relative to the corresponding period in 2023 of $1.586.931 million.

Gross profit for the quarter was $205.678 million. Compared to the third quarter of 2023, this represents a decrease of $18.081 million or 8%; while for the nine months ended 31 July 2024, gross profits fell by $119.538 million or 14% to $719.565 million. Gross margins also fell for the quarter and the nine months results to 47% and 50% from 50% and 53%, respectively. The decline in gross margin is attributable to sales distribution with lower margins and maintenance exercises which were undertaken earlier in the year.

Despite the improvements in our third quarter results, the impact from the second quarter results continues to be shown in the year-to-date totals.

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Limners and Bards Make Big Bets On Management Of Talent And Content



Kimala Bennett  Chief Executive Officer  for Limners and Bards Limited (The LAB) has released the following report to Shareholders of its unaudited financial statements for the nine months ended July 31, 2024, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).The consolidated results include the subsidiary Scope Caribbean Limited (Scope) whose principal business is the scouting, placement and management of talent while expanding and maintaining a database of quality talent.

The LAB achieved higher net profits compared to the corresponding period last year, with net profit reaching $83.5 million, a 46.7% increase over the comparable period. This growth was driven by our strong emphasis on the Agency Segment of the business for this quarter, as we continued to build brands. While revenues were down compared to the prior period, the company implemented cost containment measures, resulting in an 18% reduction in administrative expenses.

Shareholders’ equity grew to $681.4 million, up from $597.5 million or 14.0% over the corresponding period last year. We maintained a strong balance sheet, with an improved cash position over the period. Additionally, our asset base increased as we reinvested in the business, upgrading film studio facilities.

Revenue for the nine months ended July 31, 2024, was $752.7 million, down 17.6% relative to the prior period. This decline was primarily attributable to a reduction in Media during the period. Notwithstanding this, the Agency segment outperformed the comparable period. The revenue achieved was derived from the company’s core business lines: Media totalling $407.6 million, followed by Production with $190.5 million and Agency with $154.6 million.

Gross Profit for the nine months was $284.5 million, down 9.6% when compared to the corresponding period. Administrative expenses were also lower when compared to the comparable period. Administrative, selling and distribution expenses decreased by $47.5 million or 18% in comparison to the corresponding period last year. These decreases are primarily due to reduction in contractor and staff cost.

The consolidated Balance Sheet saw total assets increasing by $161.2 million or 17.1% to $1.1 Billion compared to $941.2 million in the corresponding period. This increase in assets is driven by building and film studio facilities improvement and purchases of new production equipment to facilitate future growth.

Current Assets amounted to $846.7 million, increasing by $59.9 million over the prior year.

Cash and cash equivalent increased by $25.5 million over the corresponding period last year. Management continues to maintain tight monitoring and control over receivables

As the LAB continues to grow and diversify, our strategic initiatives are positioning us to capitalize on the booming global film industry and the increasing demand for fresh, international content.

We have successfully completed filming our first feature film, “Love Offside,” a sports romantic comedy that showcases the vibrant culture and dynamic talent of Jamaica. The film, features an impressive cast and has now entered the editing phase is slated for a February 2025 release, perfectly timed to meet the growing appetite for diverse and engaging content.

The global film market is experiencing a significant surge, with demand for international content at an all-time high. Industry reports indicate that streaming services and traditional distributors alike are increasingly seeking diverse narratives that resonate with a global audience. This trend presents a significant opportunity for the LAB, as “Love Offside” is poised to attract viewers with its unique storyline and cultural richness. Over the next 12 months, the Company plans to produce three films and three web series.

We are pleased to announce that our Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Head of Production, Tashara Lee Johnson, recently represented us at the MIP Africa Content Market in South Africa as a part of the Jamaican delegation organized by JAMPRO, a premier event in the global film industry. This market is a critical platform for forging connections, understanding market trends, and securing partnerships that will enhance our film’s reach and profitability.

In parallel, our agency arm is gearing up for our regional expansion strategy, where we will engage with various businesses and explore strategic partnerships across the Caribbean. Our goal is to solidify our presence in these markets, leveraging the region’s growing influence in the global media landscape.

Our commitment remains steadfast in delivering value to our shareholders by expanding our content portfolio, exploring new markets, and forging strategic alliances that will drive growth and profitability. The steps we are currently taking are designed to position the LAB at the forefront of a rapidly evolving industry, ensuring we capitalize on the opportunities presented by the global demand for fresh, compelling content.

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Businessuite Markets

Trinidad and Tobago NGL’s Investment In Phoenix Park Gas Processors Delivers Robust Revenue and Profit Performance For Six Months Of 2024



Dr. Joseph Ishmael Khan, Chairman Trinidad and Tobago NGL Limited has released the following Condensed Interim Financial Statements For The Six Months Ended 30 June 2024.

Trinidad and Tobago NGL Limited delivered a robust performance for the first half of 2024, posting a profit after tax of TT$46.7 million. This represents an outstanding turnaround from the corresponding 2023 period, where a loss of TT$2.8 million was recorded and signifies an impressive year-on-year improvement of TT$49.5 million.

Earnings per share reached TT$0.30, a substantial recovery from the loss per share of TT$0.02 for the same period in 2023.

The driving force behind TTNGL’s strong performance was the enhanced profitability of its investment in Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL). This achievement was principally due to increased production of natural gas liquids (NGL), higher sales volumes, and improved NGL prices at Mont Belvieu.

Enhanced NGL production was facilitated by a 4.4% increase in natural gas volumes processed at Point Lisas in the first half of 2024 compared to 2023. Moreover, the gas stream’s NGL content saw a significant rise of 15.5% over the previous year, a result of deliberate efforts by The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited to enrich gas supplies. As a result, NGL production from gas processing increased notably, even when accounting for the extended plant downtime experienced in the first half of 2023.

Additionally, NGL volumes delivered from Atlantic LNG also increased by 3.2%, over the comparative period in 2023.

NGL prices rose by 11.5% compared to the same period in 2023, driven mainly by increased global demand and strategic positioning by market participants for future arbitrage opportunities.

The combination of higher NGL production and increased sales revenues, supported by improved NGL product prices, underscores PPGPL’s strong operational safety and its market leadership as the preferred NGL marketer locally and regionally.

Moreover, PPGPL has maintained high levels of operational efficiency within its processing plants, complemented by a strong commitment to safe operations and effective cost management.

During the first half of the year, Phoenix Park Trinidad and Tobago Energy Holdings Limited (PPTTEHL), PPGPL’s North American subsidiary, also delivered strong performance. PPTTEHL experienced significant trading volumes and benefited from improved margins on its sales contracts.
We anticipate continued earnings growth from this business segment moving forward.

TTNGL’s cash position at the end of June 2024 remained strong at TT$139.1 million, up from TT$113.0 million in 2023, reflecting the Company’s solid liquidity. TTNGL continues to explore all options to address its accumulated deficit and move towards a position where it can resume dividend distributions to shareholders.

As we look ahead, we remain ever – optimistic about the positive price forecasts, while PPGPL continues to monitor market uncertainties and implement value-added strategies. PPGPL is unwavering in its commitment to strategic growth, prioritising the following: safe operations; high plant reliability and availability; meeting customer needs and sustaining market presence across all territories. These efforts are critical to delivering long-term shareholder value.

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