Disney named “Frozen” director Jennifer Lee and “Inside Out” director Pete Docter as the successors to John Lasseter at Pixar, after he resigned over complaints about...
JPS President & CEO, Emanuel DaRosa, has announced the appointment of Vernon Douglas to the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective April 30, 2018. Vernon...
Wisynco Group Limited (WISYNCO) has advised that their Head of Human Resources & People Development, Mrs. Caron Anderson, has resigned effective April 27, 2018. WISYNCO further...
AMG Packaging & Paper Company Limited (AMG) has advised that Mr. Christopher Hendricks, Plant Manager for the Toilet Paper and Hand Towel Division, is no longer...
President & CEO of Supreme Ventures, Mrs Ann-Dawn Young Sang, has announced changes at the company’s Senior Management level. The post of Vice President, Marketing, held...
NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG) has advised that Mr. Wayne Chen has tendered his resignation from the Board of Directors of NCBFG effective January 26, 2018....
Carreras Limited (CAR) has advised of the appointment of Mr. Rohan Campbell as Marketing Deployment Manager effective January 1, 2018. Mr. Campbell has replaced Miss Camille...
Sagicor Real Estate X Fund Limited has advised of the following strategic changes to the Treasury, Investments and Asset Management functions within the Company effective January...
1. Mrs Marilyn Anderson, former Corporate Secretary, has been promoted to General Manager of Caribbean Products Company Limited effective January 1, 2018 subsequent to the retirement...
GraceKennedy Group CEO Don Wehby has announced senior management changes within the GraceKennedy Group, which will take effect on January 1, 2018: GraceKennedy Foods – Andrea...