CWJ has requested the suspension of trading in CWJ shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE). The suspension will commence on the opening of trading on...
Jamaica is on the path to becoming the Caribbean’s first digital society and is positioning itself to make the giant leap forward to improving the lives...
RJR Gleaner Communications Group added JA$359 million in Fixed Assets last year with the purchase of a State Of The Art High Definition Outside Broadcast Truck....
CAC 2000 Limited is reporting that a number of groundbreaking projects in this financial year are expected to see sales and profit grow, with an added...
There are now concerns that the NCB Financial Group’s US$400 million bid to take control of Guardian Holdings Ltd, which has now lapsed, has been placed...
Photo Caption: Warren Chung, CEO at Elite Diagnostic Limited (right), in discussion with his team and Marlene Street Forrest, Managing Director, Jamaica Stock Exchange (left). The...
The JMMB Group has announced plans to raise US$ 10 million and J$2 billion, totaling approximately J$3.27 billion, through the issue of four new cumulative redeemable...
GraceKennedy Group has confirmed by way of a notice to The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange that Signia Financial Group Inc. is exploring a potential merger...
The JMMB Group recorded net operating revenue of J$12.28 billion for the nine-month period, ending December 31, 2017; this reflects an 11% growth in its operating...
Executive Vice- Governor, of Gansu Province in China, Huang Qiang, says his government is ready to invest up to US$6 Billion Dollars to develop an Industrial...