Mr. Eton M. Chester, is the Managing Director Citizens Bank Guyana Inc. The Bank provides a comprehensive range of banking services at six locations within Guyana....
NIGEL M. BAPTISTE President and Chief Executive Officer, Republic Financial Holdings Limited Managing Director, Republic Bank Limited Nigel M. Baptiste, Managing Director, Republic Bank Limited and...
Businessuite 2018 Top 50 Caribbean Chief Executive Officers CR CR CR % Change 2018 2017 2016 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Company 2018/17 1 NR NR JA...
JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL) has advised that Mrs. Kisha Anderson has tendered her resignation, as Country CEO (Jamaica), effective March 31, 2019. JMMBGL further states that...
Proven Investments Limited (PIL) has declared that PIL total equity holdings in JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL), now stands at 326,277,325 shares or 20% of the participating...
Grace Foods (USA), Inc. (Grace Foods), a company owned by GraceKennedy Limited (GKL), a publicly traded Jamaican corporation listed on the Jamaica and Trinidad Stock Exchanges,...
Jamaica Stock Exchange Limited (JSE) wishes to advise the public that the article published on on Friday, November 23, 2018 entitled, “Seprod stock allocation fowl...
Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has advised that their Board of Directors has approved the appointment of Mr. Duncan Stewart as a Director of the Company, effective...
Jamaican gaming and entertainment company, Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has begun a phased operations roll out in Guyana. This is the first time that the company...
Caribbean Cement Company Ltd. (CCC) and one of its subsidiaries, Jamaica Gypsum and Quarries Limited have entered into a revolving loan facility with National Commercial Bank...