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Businessuite #1 Jamaica Ranked Public Company for 2017 – Main Market – GraceKennedy Limited



Nat Rank Nat Rank Carib Rank LC$000 US$000 LC$000 US$000
2017 2016 2017 Company 2016/17 2016/17 2015/16 2015/16
1 1 4 GraceKennedy Limited $88,267,589 $687,226 $79,742,230 $663,192

Stock Exchange: Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market

Company: GraceKennedy Limited
2017 Rank: #1
2016 Rank: #1


Chairman: Gordon V. Shirley, OJ
Group Chief Executive Officer: Donald G. Wehby
Address: 73 Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica
Telephone: 922-3440
Facsimile: 922-3664

Company Profile:
GraceKennedy Limited is a publicly listed company on the Stock Exchanges of Jamaica and the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago. The company was founded on February 14, 1922, and is the parent company of a Group of subsidiaries operating mainly in the food and financial services industries. The Group’s operations are structured into two Divisions:

FOOD TRADING This comprises the business of food manufacturing through our own factories as well as through external suppliers, the distribution of Grace and Grace owned brands in Jamaica and internationally, and the operation of retail outlets through our Hi-Lo Supermarket chain in Jamaica. The Group also manufactures and distributes third-party brands in Jamaica and internationally. GK Foods operates primarily in Jamaica, the Caribbean, Central America, North America, Africa, the United Kingdom (UK), and other European countries.

FINANCIAL SERVICES This comprises our commercial banking, general insurance, insurance brokerage, investment banking, remittance, cambio and payment services businesses. Our financial services companies presently operate within the English-speaking Caribbean

2016 was a good year for the GraceKennedy Group as we achieved several of the key strategic and profitability milestones that we had set. These goals were achieved in a rapidly changing environment that presented both opportunities and challenges. Our operational strategy for 2016 was primarily focused on the four broad themes of: optimizing and pursuing growth opportunities for our international foods business, strengthening our foods and financial services position in Jamaica, improving the overall operational efficiency of the Group, and the development of a comprehensive Global Talent Mobility Programme, cornerstones of our 2020 vision of international expansion. This strategic focus fully supports the vision of delivering long-term consumer and shareholder value.

• Group revenue for 2016 was J$88.27 billion, representing an increase of 10.7% or J$8.53 billion over 2015 (J$79.74 billion).
• Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company was J$4.00 billion for 2016 compared with J$2.76 billion for 2015.
• Earnings per share was J$4.04 in 2016 compared with J$2.78 in 2015, a 45.3% increase.
• As reported previously, a non-recurring gain was realised on the dissolution of some non-operating subsidiaries. Without this gain, net profit attributable to the stockholders of the Company would have increased by 29.7% or J$819.85 million.
• Shareholders’ equity increased by 10.6% or J$4.01 billion moving from J$38.05 billion in 2015 to J$42.06 billion in 2016. § Total assets grew by 16.4% or J$17.79 billion from J$108.69 billion in 2015 to J$126.48 billion in 2016.
• Dividends totaling J$1.01 billion or J$1.02 per share were paid in 2016 compared with J$820.03 million or J$0.83 per share in 2015, an increase of 22.9%. § At the end of 2016, the GraceKennedy stock price closed at J$40.29. When adjusted for the 3-for-1 stock split which was effective August 11, 2016, this represented a 48.8% increase over prior year.

The Foods segment made great strides in meeting the changing needs of our markets worldwide as customers increased their preference for healthier, more convenient and increased variety of food choices.

Our international foods companies showed improved performance over prior year. GraceKennedy Foods (USA) LLC, saw growth in both the Grace and the La Fe brands. We continue to invest in these brands and our infrastructure to improve the efficiency of our operations. During 2016, we recruited key expertise to drive the future growth and optimization of the business. GraceKennedy (Ontario) Inc. (GKO) was appointed “Category Advisor – Caribbean and Ethnic” by Walmart in 2016. This has provided our Canadian business with the opportunity to strengthen and expand its presence in Walmart, which has over 400 stores in Canada.

Our food operations in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe also performed well despite the uncertainty surrounding Brexit, and the resulting depreciation of the pound sterling. The Aloe drink continues to gain market share in the UK beverage market and not only competes in the Ethnic Drink Category but has successfully expanded into the mainstream beverage category where it is positioned among the Top 10 UK juice brands. In recognition of Grace Foods UK Limited’s (GFUK) contribution to commerce, the Company received three important awards from the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce: ‘Overall Business of the Year’, ‘Medium to Large Business of the Year’ and awards for ‘Excellence in People Development’. Sales to the European market continue to show strong growth, and we expect to expand our presence and pursue opportunities in this region.

Our foods business in Jamaica showed strong growth in revenue. Our strategy to cater to multiple segments of the market has resulted in our domestic foods business being resilient and responsive to competitive forces and the changing taste of our customers. Hi-Lo Food Stores, our supermarket chain in Jamaica, delivered strong performance. Our most recently opened location in Liguanea, Kingston and the refurbished Fairview location in Montego Bay, have enhanced the experience of grocery shopping in Jamaica with world-class layouts and wider variety of products and services.

Our manufacturing operations had a remarkable year. Our brands, This Is Really Great Yogurt, and Lishous, our juice drink that was introduced into the Jamaican market in 2016, recorded strong growth, while our Tastee Cheese and Soups segment grew exports to the United States. We continue to invest in upgrading facilities within our factories while continually exploring low cost sourcing initiatives for key products to remain competitive. Our financial services companies continue to meet the high standards of service and innovation that our customers have grown to expect from us. We made investments in technology,
and in our people, in order to focus on delivering a seamless customer service experience.

In our Banking and Investments segment, First Global Bank (FGB) reported strong growth in revenue over 2015 which was primarily driven by 13.5% growth in the loan portfolio. Profitability, however, declined over prior year primarily due to costs associated with network expansion and investments in technology. Loan provisions were also higher than prior year, however the Bank continued to effectively manage delinquencies, and has seen a decline in the ratio of impaired loans to total loan portfolio. FGB continued to pursue its strategy of convenience enabled by technology with the opening of a new high-tech branch in Ocho Rios and the relocation and upgrade of the Liguanea branch. GK Capital Management Limited (GKCM) solidified its position in the investment advisory space, having completed a number of transactions during the year valued at over $3 billion.

The Insurance segment’s revenue growth was driven primarily by our underwriter in Jamaica, GK General Insurance Company Limited (GKGIC). GKGIC also continues to innovate through its micro-insurance portfolio resulting in the revenue generated from this portfolio doubling year-over year. The growth in profitability is however due to the strong performance of our insurance broker in Jamaica, Allied Insurance Brokers Limited, which also recorded strong revenue growth over prior year. In line with our strategic plan, we continued our focus on regional expansion and are pleased to report that our underwriter in St. Lucia, GK Insurance (Eastern Caribbean) Limited, is now licensed to operate in three additional territories: St Vincent & The Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada.

GraceKennedy Money Services Limited (GKMS) remained the dominant player in the English speaking Caribbean remittance market. The business continues to be strategically focused on protecting its market-leader position while driving growth and enhancing the regional remittance business through digitization. In February 2016, GKMS expanded its operations into the Turks and Caicos market through the establishment of a new subsidiary, GraceKennedy Money Services (Turks & Caicos) Limited; this represents the 11th market in which the Company operates.

In December 2016, the Bank of Jamaica approved the GK Money Services’ mobile wallet application, GK MPAY, in Jamaica. GK MPAY was launched in the Jamaican market in February 2017, providing the convenience for users to make payments and other money services transactions on their mobile phones.

Extracted from GraceKennedy Limited (GK) Annual Report 2016
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Businessuite Markets

RJR Group Continues To Be Negatively Impacted By Softness In Advertising Market



Q2 2024 (Ended September 30, 2024 ) continued to be impacted by both local and international challenges, inflation and increased costs. The Group continued to experience softness in the overall advertising market as businesses repotted the continued impact of local and global economic conditions. The Group’s advertising revenues were more than last year due to the broadcast of the Olympic Games in July and August 2024. The quarter was also impacted by some one-off costs of approximately $25 million incurred related to restructuring expenditure as part of the move to a new target operating model (TOM)

The Group recorded a pre-tax loss of $1 18 million and an after-tax loss of $103 million for the quarter, compared to a pre-tax loss of $79 million and an after-tax loss of $65 million for the prior year period. This profit performance represents an improvement over the quarter to June 2024 where the pre- and post-tax losses were $183 million and $167 million, respectively. This loss reduction is directly attributable to the Implementation of cost management strategies and efforts to ensure that advertising revenues were maximized from programmes aired during the period.

Primary contributors to this quarter’s performance, compared to prior year were:

  • An overall improvement of $56 million (3.9%) in the Group’s revenues, driven mainly by an increase in the Broadcast Division revenues associated with the airing of the Olympic Games (for which the company held the broadcast rights for Television only).
  • A decline in revenue in the Audio segment of $24.5 million (12%); a result of the pressure on advertising budgets, highlighting the need to find new strategies to attract businesses to this medium
  • A decrease in other income of $7million (17%), as a result of a reduction in income from noncurrent investments held.
  • An increase in direct expenses of $73 million (10.8%), due to the increased costs associated with the broadcasting of the Olympic Games,
  • An increase in selling expenses of $13.9 million (5.2%), commensurate with increased revenues.
  • An increase in administrative expenses of $2.4 million (0.6%) which was offset by the reduction in other operating expenses by $5.6M (2.6%). The containment in costs is a result of cost-saving initiatives that have been implemented. The expense movement was driven primarily by increases in staff-related costs, insurance costs and higher depreciation expenses relating to investments in infrastructure upgrades. While there has been an overall loss in the quarter, the Group continues to implement measures that will lead to further cost reductions through restructuring our expenditure profile as part of the move to a new target operating model (TOM).

Management continues to focus on the implementation of the five strategic imperatives designed to return the Group to sustained profitability. Implementation of the web-based top-up product (partnering with an overseas entity) will be completed in the next quarter Implementation of the NCB Go rewards platform is one of the most significant revenue diversification opportunities and we are hoping to launch the platform in the fourth quarter of the financial year. Initiatives relating to the digital transformation of our products are also being pursued for future revenue impact.

The Group will continue to focus on increased presence and influence in the digital space while producing content that fulfills the needs of the market.

 Anthony Smith Chief Executive Officer RJRGLEANER Communications Group (the Group) 

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Fontana Reporting Comparative Q1 Revenue Jump of 16.2%, Q2 Anticipated To Be Best Yet!

We saw increased revenues in all our locations, including our newest store in Portmore which has largely maintained their break-even monthly sales. Transaction counts, average spend per customer, and prescription counts continue to show month over month gains as we grow our footprint in St. Catherine.



Income Statement
Our revenue for the quarter was $2.07 billion, representing an increase of 16.2% over the $1.78 billion for the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Operating profit grew by 26.9%, going from $80.8 million to $102.6 million. Despite increased income tax liabilities (see below), net profit for the quarter was $60.5 million, or 1.5% less than that reported for the same period last year.

We saw increased revenues in all our locations, including our newest store in Portmore which has largely maintained their break-even monthly sales. Transaction counts, average spend per customer, and prescription counts continue to show month over month gains as we grow our footprint in St. Catherine.

Cost of sales increased by 9.9% (compared to 16.2% for revenues) resulting in gross profit moving from $603.2 million to $774.5 million, a 28.4% increase over Q1 last year. Our efforts to capitalize on economies of scale within our procurement and inventory management activities, resulted in a higher gross margin of 37.5%, up from 33.9% in the prior year.

Operating expenses grew by 28.6%, ending the quarter at $671.9 million compared to $522.3 million last year. This was partly attributable to the opening of our Portmore store in November 2023, along with increased staff costs across the network. As we continue to focus on staff retention, engagement and satisfaction, costs and benefits contributed to 58% of the operating expenses increase over last year. Provisions were also made for senior staff retiring in 2025, some with over 50 years of service. We continue to make inroads into industrial security and insurance rates, as well as improve on our conservation efforts as we saw increases in our utilities.

Finance costs saw an increase of 25.3%, moving from $52.6 million in Q1 last year to $65.9 million this quarter, this was mainly attributable to foreign exchange losses on the lease liability (IFRS16) as well as the new store. Other income also grew by 7.7% ending the quarter at $35.7 million as we seek to tap into new revenue streams in the Portmore store.

Fontana Pharmacy has now been listed on the Junior Stock Exchange for 5 years as at January 2024. This achievement means that we now have liability to corporate income taxes, which required a provision of $11.9 million for the quarter. Earnings per share remained constant at $0.05 for both comparable quarters.

Balance Sheet
Total assets at the end of the quarter stood at $5.6 billion, up from $5.2 billion in the previous comparative period, reflecting an increase of 6.2%.
Our cash and cash equivalents remain favorable at $1.2 billion, 4% less than the previous comparative period, this is after the August 2024 dividend payment of $312.3 million. Shareholder’s equity grew to $2.7 billion, up from $2.5 billion or 6.1% over the prior corresponding quarter. This puts us in a strong position to pursue further expansion opportunities as they come up.

At the end of this quarter, we were far advanced in the development and adaptation of 2 efficiency tools:
PIMS integrated point of sale system for the pharmacy department – accommodating patient profile access across all stores, adding to the efficiencies for central ordering and inventory management A new integrated HR software – improve efficiencies as well as enhance the experience of team members. Faster processing times, better data analytics and a reduction in errors is expected.

We continue to invest in technology that will improve our efficiency and contribute to a better control environment.
These two initiatives are the ones among the many that keep us relevant and differentiated from our competitors. We are cognizant of the ongoing impact of Hurricane Beryl on the Jamaica’s economic landscape. Early indicators such as the softening of demand for non-essential home items, toys and home décor have been noted. We will continue to monitor these indicators and implement the required strategies to manage the potential impact.

At 7 stores strong, the organization is experiencing a tremendous period of growth and development, well positioned as one of the most recognized retail brands in Jamaica and the premier pharmacy chain across the country. Our second quarter is anticipated to be the best yet!

Anne Chang Director CEO Fontana Limited 

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Despite Growing Losses RA William’s Still Has A Positive Future Outlook

RA William’s gross profit increased by 14%, mainly driven by the introduction of new products across several of our product lines. We recorded a net loss before tax for the quarter of $13.9M, compared to a net loss of $792K for the same period last year.



RA William’s gross profit increased by 14%, mainly driven by the introduction of new products across several of our product lines. We recorded a net loss before tax for the quarter of $13.9M, compared to a net loss of $792K for the same period last year.

Our operating expenses ratio for this quarter stands at 45%, up from 38% in the prior year. This increase is primarily attributed to the right of use costs related to our new location at New Brunswick Village, as well as higher technology, staffing, and distribution expenses.

We achieved a revenue of $367M which represents a 0.95% increase compared to the same quarter of the previous year. During this period, we encountered significant challenges, including supply constraints in certain product categories and the effects of Hurricane Beryl, which disrupted operations for many of our key customers, particularly along the south coast.

There was an increase in total assets, of $1.4B. The increase in assets reflects our strategic investments in infrastructure, including the opening of our new office and warehouse at the beginning of the quarter. These investments position us to expand our partnerships with pharmaceutical manufacturers and further strengthen our business.

Enhanced Product Portfolio And New Distribution Channels

Our ongoing efforts to enhance distribution channels, collaborate with stakeholders to manage supply and demand, and fortify our position in a competitive market have allowed us to navigate these challenges effectively. Looking ahead, we anticipate revenue growth driven by the reintroduction of key products under our newly added Fourrts line, expected early in the third quarter.

During the quarter, we were proud to add several new products to our portfolio. Notably, we introduced ColdStop (an over-the-counter day & night cold and flu pack), GasStop (an over-the-counter antacid), and DandZap Plus (a prescription shampoo for dandruff and seborrheic conditions), in partnership with Canadian-based Ryvis Pharma. These additions reflect our ongoing commitment to expanding our market offerings and increasing our market share.

RA Williams remains committed to being a responsible corporate citizen, with a strong focus on education and health and wellness. This quarter, we deepened our support for pharmacists and pharmacy professionals through our sponsorship of the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica’s Annual Conference – the premier pharmaceutical event in the English-speaking Caribbean. Our sponsorship provided an opportunity to network with industry professionals, and we also hosted a soft launch for Iracet, the first generic Levetiracetam available in Jamaica, in collaboration with our long-time pharmaceutical partner, Square Pharmaceuticals,
as part of a workshop on epilepsy. Additionally, we sponsored the University of Technology’s School of Pharmacy Pinning Ceremony, where a house was named in honour of our Founder and Chief Quality Officer, Evelyn Williams. These initiatives are a testament to our ongoing commitment to the next generation of pharmaceutical professionals.

Positive Future Outlook
We are encouraged by our continued revenue growth and the expansion of our product portfolio. RA Williams continues to be a preferred distributor to pharmacies and healthcare professionals. Our focus remains on expanding our offerings and improving the customer experience. We are confident in our ability to continue improving access to high-quality, affordable medications in the months ahead.

Audley Reid Managing Director R.A. Williams Distributors Limited

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Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Leveraging Strengths In Digital Banking To Drive Further Growth.



Financial Performance
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited (The Group) reported another year of solid financial performance for the fiscal year ended 31 October 2024, achieving a Profit After Taxation of $658 million. This marks an increase of $3 million compared to the restated figures for the 12 months ended 31 October 2023. The Group’s financial health has shown steady growth, with Income after Tax for the 4th quarter amounting to $170 million. This represents an increase of $5 million or 3% from the previous quarter ended 31 July 2024 (albeit $15 million or 8% lower than the restated 4th quarter of the previous year).

Key Financial Metrics
The Earnings per Share (EPS) saw a positive trajectory, increasing to 373.4 cents, driven by the overall rise in profitability. The Group maintained a stable Return on Equity (ROE) of 14.5% and a Return on Assets (ROA) of 2.2%. These metrics reflect the Group’s efficient management of equity and assets, leading to sustainable profitability.

Dividend Declaration
Based on these solid financial results, Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited is pleased to declare a dividend of 70 cents per share for the 4th quarter. This brings the full-year dividend yield to an impressive 5.08% and a payout ratio of 76%. This declaration underscores the Group’s commitment to delivering value to its shareholders.

Management Commentary
Gayle Pazos, the Managing Director of Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited, expressed her satisfaction with the Group’s financial performance. She remarked, “I am pleased to report that Scotiabank has once again delivered another year of solid financial results, achieving over $650 million in annual net income after tax. One of our key financial achievements for the year was seeing Total Net Loans to Customers exceed $20 billion for the first time in our history. This significant growth was achieved in all segments, but especially within our corporate and commercial line of business where we continue to ably support business and government sector entities with the funding to allow them to invest and support the local economy.”

Recognition and Awards
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited has not only excelled financially but also received significant recognition on a global platform. Earlier this year, the Bank was honored with the Global Finance Best Bank award. Continuing this trend of excellence, Scotiabank was named Trinidad and Tobago’s Best Consumer Digital Bank 2024 for the 4th consecutive year. Additionally, the Bank received accolades from Global Finance in the sub-category for the Best Mobile Banking App in the country for the second time. These awards highlight the Bank’s commitment to innovation and excellence in digital banking services, as we remain focused on our clients and improving our accessibility in providing banking services.

Growth in Loan Portfolio
The fiscal year 2024 was particularly noteworthy for Scotiabank due to the remarkable growth in its loan portfolio. Total Net Loans to Customers registered  growth of $2.1 billion or 11% compared to the previous year. This growth was broad-based, encompassing all segments but with a notable impact in the corporate and commercial sectors. The Bank’s strategy of supporting business and government sector entities has played a crucial role in this achievement, providing the necessary funding to stimulate investment in support of the local economy.

Digital Transformation
The recognition as the Best Consumer Digital Bank for four consecutive years is a testament to Scotiabank’s commitment to digital transformation. The Bank has continually invested in enhancing its online platforms to provide customers with seamless and efficient banking experiences. The award for the Best Mobile Banking App further underscores the effectiveness of these efforts. Scotiabank’s mobile banking app has become an essential tool for customers, offering a wide range of functionalities that cater to their banking needs conveniently and securely.

Future Outlook
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited remains focused on sustaining its growth trajectory and enhancing shareholder value. The Group plans to continue leveraging its strengths in digital banking and customer service to drive further growth. The ongoing support for corporate and commercial clients will remain a priority, ensuring that they have access to the necessary funding to fuel their investments and contribute to the local economy.

Gayle Pazos, the Managing Director of Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited,

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SOLIS Actively Pursuing Opportunities For Inorganic Growth



SOLIS closed the first half of our 2025 Financial Year (May 1–October 31, 2024) with a cash position of $10,694,219, due in large part to the proceeds of the IPO. For this period, we posted a net profit after tax of $1,144,326. This was lower than the net profit posted in the corresponding period of the 2024 Financial Year, due to reduced revenue as well as an increase in administrative costs driven by additional warehousing and compliance costs connected with the IPO. SOLIS’ Balance Sheet remains strong with Shareholders’ Equity of $28,092,173 as at October 31, 2024. Its core Retained Earnings grew by 12.5% from $16,077,527 as at October 31, 2023, to $18,096,038 as at October 31, 2024.

While the demand for new multifunction devices has been slower than in the same period last year due to a cautious economic outlook as well as delays in tender results, I am happy to report that our Samsung line of digital display devices is already gaining momentum following an Open House hosted in November for over 50 target customers. We sold our first devices during this period and are pursuing several active leads. We are excited about the new Samsung line as the prospects for growth are meaningful. It also provides a diversified customer segment for SOLIS as it targets the Retail and Quick Service Restaurant markets.

We recruited an experienced Sales Manager during the period under review, to continue the buildout of our sales team to focus on organic growth. Furthermore, we are actively pursuing opportunities for inorganic growth to deploy the capital raised in the IPO more rapidly. The quality of our service delivery to existing customers was also maintained during the period. As you know, we measure our service levels on a quarterly basis, and in Q2 FY 25 our overall service rating in our customer survey was 93%, up from 92% in Q1 and 88% at the end of the last financial year.

Rishi Baddaloo Group Managing Director Office Authority Ltd

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About Office Authority Ltd

SOLIS sells, rents and services multifunction printers and photocopiers. We provide enabling software to manage print costs and offer remote device monitoring. This enables improved uptime device utilisation by our customers.

SOLIS also supplies other office automation and digitisation tools including scanners and shredders.

SOLIS also supplies interactive display solutions.

SOLIS is the appointed authorised dealer for Konica Minolta, Risograph, hp, Lexmark, Brother, Fellowes, Papercut and Samsung.

SOLIS has been in business for over 50 years, operating initially as an independent family business. In 2007, The Office Authority Ltd acquired SOLIS, and integrated it into its own family of businesses.

SOLIS stands for service. The company has a certified and trained team of technicians who form the operational backbone of the company. We have developed quantitative and qualitative service metrics, which are assessed and reported on a quarterly basis – customer satisfaction, first time fix rate, average resolution time, technician utilisation, preventative maintenance calls, and training and certification.

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